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Carinthia II Teil 3 - Nature Tech - Issue 1

Carinthia II Teil 3 - Nature Tech 2024
Dateigröße: 20,35 MB
Carinthia Nature Tech: A New Forum for Integrating Natural Sciences and Emerging Technologies
Google4Habitat - a novel method for remote sensing-based habitat classification using Google Earth Engine
Towards a Standardized Digital Framework for Automated non-invasive Waterfowl Detection in Carinthia based on High-resolution UAS Imagery and Machine Learning
Advancing Technologies: IPAM Toolbox 2.0 for Planning and Management of Conservation Areas (MCA)
GoPro Forest: Creating a Digital Forest Twin
Blending Tradition with Innovation: How Acoustic Sensors are Revolutionizing Rock Ptarmigan Monitoring
Improvement of accuracy of different automatic visitor counting devices to monitor cyclists in conservation areas
Critical Update on Carinthia's Flora: Review of The Red List of Endangered Ferns and Flowering Plants of Carinthia
A Comprehensive Overview of Carinthia's Endangered Fauna: Review of: The Red List of Endangered Animals of Carinthia
Review of the Framework for Designing Biodiversity Monitoring Programs: The Latest IUCN WCPA Technical Report Series Contribution

Carinthia Nature Tech Author Guidelines

Revised 10/17/2024